Friday, March 20, 2009

sisters, and segel, and so on

Well, exam week has finally come to a much needed close. My sister came home today with three boxes of food that she won't let me have one scrap of but is not at all reluctant to scarf down all of my tiramusu! My obsession with jason segel is growing, and i must see i love you, man fairly soon. I was late on my shots when i went to the pediatrition today(which i assume i am going to be going to for the rest of my life instead of to a real hospital) and my mom didn't hesitate to nod her head at the notion of 4 shots in a row for me today...immediately after i downed a shot of motrin. I also had to get a tuberculosis test in which they stick a needle shallowly into your arm and inflate your skin with liquid, making it resemble a bubble, and expect you not to touch it. Oh, and i got a physical. This all because my mom got me some bunk ass job at the hospital for service hours, which i need 20 of by march 31st. If procrastonation was an olympic sport, i'd be a frequent gold medalist. I am patiently waiting the arrival of the movie Adventureland. "And, well that about covuhs it" ( in stewie voice).

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