Tuesday, December 7, 2010

life goes on?

Well, you know it's going to take me FOREVER to get over this.
like, I will continue to dwell on it for months, and then years.
And you don't even have to think. You don't have to give a shit with your
cigarettes,and your hoodies, and your inarticulate texts that a 2-year old could write. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
I wouldn't be surprised if you die before you turn 20, and don't think that doesn't tear me apart. You needed me, but you were too childish to realize it.
I loved you, and I cared.
You took, and gave nothing.
But, you know what... you don't fucking deserve it. Me. My time. Or, my words.
And, the day that you realize that, and it hits you so hard that it knocks flat on your ass on the cold concrete. That is when my smile will rise up again.

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