Saturday, July 24, 2010

The First Step...

is admitting you have a problem.

So, I've come to this realization that I am a social alcoholic.
I can't stand being in awkward situations with people I don't know without
being intoxicated. Not even with people I do know.
I will drink anything that has the capability of getting me drunk
even if it tastes like dead people...(I am refering to you, Red Wine)
Even Champaigne tasted perfecto, tonight.
So, i went to this engagement party for my sister's friend, that I wasn't even invited to, which is a warning sign of akward alone-ness in itself.
I sat, in my new red dress, alone.
this is how it always goes, so I wasn't shocked or anything.
First, I mingled with me, katy, alex, and kristen's (plastic) glasses of champagne.
Then, I got to know two cups, (with the happy couples faces etched on it), of beer.
After successfully not vomitting, I poured a glass of red wine, that I quickly became enemies with.
Finally, I gave up on drinks all together, and made myself known at the desert table.
Now all the people from the party have "gone out."
and I sit here watching independent-romantic dramas for the remainder of the summer in hopes of one day living a REAL, EVENTFUL life of my own.

Happy Campers

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

more infatuations with dead people

sickeningly talented person, with the best on screen presence.
love him.

I truly need young and talented, irreplacable people to stop dying of drug overdoses.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I've come to the realization

that I will die single.
I see "in a relationship" statuses sky-rocketing
and the vomit rises up in my throat again.
I want to go places, to go places where I won't have to see the same faces again and again. I want to go somewhere where new people exist and like to talk.
I'm destined for eternal solitude and I hate it.
Single is not a status for me, it's a way of fucking life, and I'm okay being single. But, I'm not okay with not meeting a single person that gives a shit that they are living, or even less, that I am living. I'm tired. So I sleep, I sleep through my days, until everyone else is asleep. Then I rise up, and soak in the quiet surrounding me. When I get this shock of energy once in a while, and want to go out and see humans, there are seemingly no humans to see, certainly no humans to converse with. So I watch movie after movie after movie, and get sucked in to some actors as they become people who live actual lives, and I remember how I'm like behind this wall that I can't break through. I am in this place where I am not able to touch, or have contact, with anyone real.
The majority of my life is spent waiting, but when I fight, when I break down some bricks of this wall, punch until my knuckles bleed, I see this beam of light, I climb through the hole I created in this wall, and I find a spark of someone, or something new, of this feeling...but I only have a moment before this enormous force of nature lifts me, pushes me back through the hole, and re-builds the wall. I'm in the dark, once again.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I turn Seventeen years old.
Nothing will change, because
my life remains consistent in mediocrity.
BUT!!!!, I pledge to have A HELL OF A GOOD TIME.


don't say lol unless your really LOLing

i hate when people go to this extreme " LAWLZzzzzROFL LMFAOOOOO! LOLOL!" when all I said was I have to go eat dinner... people never mean what they type anymore


because i really lol'd

because of how true it is

well i'll allow you to lol without explaining yourself from now on

because lol is always better than typing someone .." OMG! where ya been! haven't seen you in ages! I MISS YOU!" only to recieve " this person is offline" directly after, thats when you know your life has gone down the shitter


i get that and feel that all the time!!!!!

it's happening now!

not,, that,, it,,, happens,,, to me often :?

it happens to me

i know I was being sarcastic

i pretty much get that EVERY time

i even expect it at this point so i just ex out of peoples things after i say something and try to forget i said it so i dont feel shamed

hahhahah you're making me lawl

when their little box sits there until the dot turns from green to grey

WALTER:i just discovered that people can go idol

and it's made a difference in my life

it really ha


and i say fine, you fucking asshole! you might as well not have started a conversation with me 2 years ago at that wedding reception then! and I look for my emergency playlist!

haahaha! i know! the idles always overpower the greens and im like I only talk to 5% of these people anyway! FML! then i start talking to people i barely know with questions like " how was your trip,, I saw your album, looked pretty fin"



you kill me

or wait, this is good, when your computer freezes and the chat thing goes crazy right when someone who would NEVER normally answer you ANSWERS you with a question instead of a short answer like they might actually give a fuck and they sign off right after you fix the problem, then they are never online again

... and then the person who you are talking to about how pathetic your facebook chat experiences are with doesnt respond

okay it says you've been typing for like an hour

i'm dissapointed

3:45am ME:
well, thats only because I've been copying and pasting our coversation to my blog for like an hour :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

If I Could....

share half of the joy that Kent maintains every second.... I'd be set.