Monday, October 12, 2009

attention, attention, may i have all your eyes &ears

I've been lacking on my writing lately. I crave attention so badly, it's sickening. PEOPLE! PEOPLE! These people around me drive me insane, yet i need them to stay sane. The way these people look with their eyes and mouths, The way these people laugh with their teeth and larynx, The things these people do to impress other people, The things these people do to be noticed, to hurt, to keep, to please, to shock... The way peoples muscles are sculpted just perfectly, or the comforting humanity of that layer of fatty tissue over the abdominal muscles that have gone unnoticed. People rule this earth. Animals are beautiful, and ugly, and feel just as we do, but they are put here for the continuation of the food chain. The Humans are at the top. The humans have brains which all work differently. Some brains have deficiencies from problems that go wrong in the process of development. Some Brains are absorbent and filled with knowledge and wisdom. These previously mentioned brains, make the normal brains feel melancholy, leading to my next topic. Some brains feel so melancholy, they need drugs to make them function in a socially acceptable manner. Some brains that once had abosorption, lose it within a quick instant. Some brains can't remember their own sons and daughters and mothers. Some brains absorb too much, or not enough, causing them to have inbalance. These people, with their eyes, and mouths, and organs, and bones, and blood, and skin are so unbelievably complicated. We love them. We hate them. We envy them. We never meet many of them. We seem to be surrounded by the same ones a lot. We meet new ones, sometimes. We meet the one, someday, or never. This life we live is so hard, that it's almost cruel when people say something is "easy." Every person is different. Every brain, every heart, every liver, every kidney, every skin. The differences in all of us people is what continues to interest us. It's ashame how often the word bored is used. This slump of boredem is here, to make the AMAZING, INCREDIBLE, ORGASMIC moments deserve caps lock. I'm craving my AMAZING moments so badly right now. I need the people to help me to get there...happily. I need my brain to allow me to succeed. I need my weaknesses to help others with weaknesses feel stronger, feel less alone. I need other people's weaknesses to make me feel better, too. Every person is made to have the same worth, so more people should allow their brains to open, and their guards to descend. We must accept these people, for whatever reason we use them for now will one day divide and separate into swift winds, and we will need them for reasons we are yet to know.

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