Tuesday, February 10, 2009

when you were young

it's strange to think about when you were younger compared to who you are now. When we're younger, we always feel the need to look older, act older, and be older. You see the girl talking about her boyfriend, and see her with a cigarette in her hand, and wish that you could just move up 5 years in 5 minutes. When we get older, we see that the girl was talking about how her boyfriend cheated on her with a freshman, and she pulls out a cigarette because her friends got her hooked on it a week earlier. You see your friend that you used to play board games and watch nickelodeon with, trade her dolls for boys, her suckers for cigarettes, and her juice box for a a bottle of vitamin water spiked heavily with vodka.You see the friends that you had over for sleepovers get distant, and trade your friendship with them for one drunken excursion to a highschool party.When we get older, when we can finally see, we wish we could give it all away, just for our childhood back. we want the innocence back, we want to see the innocence of our peers back, we want to see less wrinkles on our parents, we want to see our old dog chase after a flash light & pet her fur again, we want to reverse the moment when our brothers traded their nintendo for a bong, but we can never go back. The moment you turn thirteen, it's like watching the beginning of the deterioration of your childhood, and soon enough you'll see the last wisp of innocence disappear in a quick gluiding breeze. The end is near. The end is nearer than you think. we needn't think about the end. that is key. the end.

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