Saturday, August 21, 2010

Senior ZitiZen

Well, school had been in session for a week and a half now. I spent the majority of my time not contemplating what the people around me were saying due to intense sleep deprivation and fear of the newly learned "illuminati" conspiracy theory. After finally getting over it on a day of strangely coincicidental events that made me inexplicably happy. After watching the lastest episodes of degrassi and iCarly, as any respectable senior in high school would, I have completely distanced myself from my intense fear of government and paranoia. I have taken a vow to myself that I would now just live, and as long as I have a roof over my head and people making me laugh, I'll be just fine. It's my own new conspiracy theory. But, I do still acknowledge the strangeness of a bunch of grown political leaders being in an age old secret society named "skull and bones" wearing black and red capes in front of an enormous flame-smothered owl idol in the middle of an enormous private forest. But, I will continue to block out that knowledge. After the latest salmonella egg recall outbreak, I'm pretty paranoid about the eggs in my fridge, but I ate them anyway, despite dropping them on the floor during my attempt to flip them neatly. I am coincidentally feeling a tad sick at the moment. The eternal cynic is strongly trying to fulfill her new happy-go-lucky, positive lifestyle. I went to the 80s back to school dance dressed as Debbie Harry last night, even though all of the kids with absolutely no sense of pop culture, had no idea who i was supposed to be. I danced, I sweat like I've never sweat before, and I enjoye watching all of the babies try their hand at attracting the opposite sex. I'll live. I'll be okay. Now for a breathing excercise...

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