Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let's talk about sex, baby

I get it KIDS.
I'm not there yet.
Not even close.
Never been in that situation.
Yes, I am semi-socially retarded.
But, I GET IT!
I'm surrounded by harmonal beings.
I have the internet, and I rent true blood on DVD.
At one point my household could afford HBO and SHOWTIME.
I'm human I have urges.
But I also have self control.
I think people do things more today because they think they have to instead of actually wanting to.
Put two people together for long enough and one is bound to mark their territory and claim their dominance and take the upper-hand.
Two of my friends are pregnant, one is married, one is alone.
They have both actually accepted the vomitting and lack of sleep and weight gain and most importantly the gift of making an actual person. And, I commend them.
I think a lot of people that I know have been pregnant before but got scared, people get scared they get selfish, they get violent.
it's really NOT THAT HARD.
If you don't want a baby, use your brain, we have them for a reason.
just as we have a uterus, for a reason.
think of what that word actually means.
You are here because of it.
You are in this room with the locked door and the harmones racing and the bodily contact and you feel wanted and needed and blah blah blah, and you are there because your dad got your mom pregnant that one time, and now you have life.
Now, you have decisions, and emotions, and your sense of reality, and panic, and you are living.
Aren't you happy that you got that opportunity?
But, you're too embarrassed and you can't afford it and your too young to have created a miniature, attention craving human.
You get your boyfriend to go to the store and pay $10-35 for the morning after pill because you think you may be pregnant because your boyfriend doesn't like condoms, and you take it and hope that if you did create life in this moment of teenaged (almost comedic) stupidity, that it's destroyed, and you won't have to tell your parents, and save up money.
Or, you know your pregnant so you go to the sketchy, asbestos-ridden clinic and you pay anywhere from 500 to 1000 dollars for some "doctor" to suck the baby out, because you try not to think, 'I was that once' and instead you think it's just this hunk-o-junk and you cry, and you go home, and you move on because you would be spending multiples more money for a living being, and you just don't have the time.
I am truly sorry for the ones who get into these situations, and what's done is done, and yes,you are important and deserve to be happy, and you should learn, just as you should from all mistakes.
And just because his eyes sparkle, and he takes showers daily and you think he's trust-worthy doesn't necessarily mean he's herpes proof.
AIDS is also still a killer disease without a cure, by the way, even if you think it's this impossible thing in your suburban neighborhoods.
I don't like porn either.
It makes sex look ugly and cheap, and if people actually take notes from it, then i could vomit.
If you are young and naive and expect your teenaged counterparts to be so quick and cheap, and dirty, and utterly fake and inhumane as the plastic mindless zombies and the fat men that they're sitting on top of that they just met in the back of an '89 rapist van, then I'll go Amish.
Just don't be stupid, or do things just because your friends have and it looks steamy on your favorite tv show and it seems like hella fun.
Do them because you are a human, and have feelings and you found mutual love at one point.
And have some fucking self-esteem.
Now, I'm not trying to pass judgement! I'm just encouraging those who choose ignorance, or those who are confused to make informed decisions.
if you don't respect yourself, no one else will.
And, I still care a shit load for all of you no matter what ill-informed decisions you make in your lifetime.
And stop thinking that if you are not fucking people you're not a rockstar.
pussy pussy pussy, life's a lil wayne song, i get it.
But, really, it's not.

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