Thursday, June 25, 2009

death of icons


Today, not only FARRAH FAWCETT, but MICHAEL JACKSON both died.

this is ridic!
Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Elvis, John Lennon, John Belucci, River Phoenix, Princess Diana, Anna Nicole, Heath Ledger, Natasha Richardson, David Carradine... WHY!

well, on this day I will remember the feathered hair, and famous poster, and the legend that is Farrah Fawcett

and listen to Billie jean, thriller, smooth criminal, bad, Beat it, etc. and remember the king of pop.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Birthdays, to some, a day that is dead set on complete attention of one individual who is showered in gifts, and most commonly throws a celebration of sorts.

to me, a yearly reminder that i have gone another 365 days without accomplishing a goal or making anything of myself.

This day passes quickly, like any other day.

When I was younger, and unaware of the ignorance of children, I would throw a party.
This party consisted of me inviting a bunch of people from school to my house, half the people I wasn't friends with, and that's most likely why only half the people showed up.

in less than 15 minutes, the majority of the guests that even bothered showing up left without a word.

Today, any house with alcohol and a pool is a sactuary to teenagers.
teenagers who will get drunk, go in your front yard, though you urged them to stay in the back, and two boys will get in a fight, at which time the neighbors will call the police, and less than an hour before this "party" began, it will be over.

this is not my idea of a good time, so I do not have parties.

I don't get presents.

The night normally ends up with me, alone, watching the wedding singer and reciting the song Adam Sandler sings ...." Somebody kill me please, Somebody kill me plaaaaaaaze! i'm on my knees pretty pretty please KILL ME. I want to dieeeee... put a bullet in my heeeee-e-e-e-ead!"

and then i fall asleep, I wake up a year older, and my life remains the same as all the previous years.

I am an eternal cynic, i guess.